

The Costa Rican Game Industry

Costa Rica’s gaming industry offers a variety of original IPs for both the commercial and advertising markets. Currently, there are more than 20 studios located in our country. The main focus of our industry is to export services and original IPs. The main export destinations are the United States, Europe and Asia. Our country is unique for abolishing its military 70 years ago in order to invest in education. For this reason, Costa Rica boasts the most advanced and highest quality education system in the region. And this is now evident in our local game industry since most of our developers come from a full Compute Science or Digital Animation university background.


ASODEV Costa Rica

Asociación de Desarrolladores de Videojuegos de Costa Rica (ASODEV Costa Rica) is a non-profit entity conformed by companies and professionals that participate in the creation of video games. Our main objective is to promote and boost the development of this industry at the local level and support all initiatives that can benefit our associates.


The Latam Video Games Federation

ASODEV is a proud member of the Latam Video Games Federation. For more information about this federation please visit http://latamvgfederation.org/